Two Week's Left To Enter June's Short Fiction Contest

Image courtesy of Victor Habbick /
There's only two weeks left to enter June's short fiction contest. This month we have a rather abstract science fiction image for inspiration, although the story can be of any genre. The contest is open to anyone and unlike many similar contests it's free to enter. To take part you just have to write a story of no more than 500 words based on this month's picture and then submit it through the form provided on the competition page here:

The winning entry will win a £50 Amazon gift card or a £50 PayPal payment, there are prizes for second and third places as well.

If you haven't read the winning stories from May's short fiction contest then you have a treat waitting for you here:

If you're looking for more great stories to read then come and join the Facebook group I've set up to showcase short and flash fiction: